Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Living Silence

How could you?

For yrs lead me to believe
But was only deceit,
Lies, fakes, rejection and betrayals
This is a friend?

I think/speak your name,
But again silence, ignored
But if one is not true to themselves,
How can one believe in others.

A public façade, for “they” do not really know you,
They have not experienced, the hurt and heartache
You have caused, yet still claim to be a “friend.”

Life is too short, storms continue to gather,
But a fake friend, is not wanted in my world.

If one’s word is NOT their honor,
Time is of the essence, but gets wasted

All I ever wanted was to be accepted and trust
With my heart, it is not to be,

For now I trust ONLY ME.

Knightgale© 2010



In the stillness of the nite, my eyes are open wide, cannot sleep for hurting inside.
Deep within my soul I weep, for memories there I don't want to keep. Morning coming so near, another day to face I fear. Memories hauting me from my past, will they forever last? Soothing hopes and dreams, a thought of tomorrow, may will take me away from all the sorrow.
With you in mind brings me serenity, a therapy, (if you will)for a troubled soul and a weary heart.

(c)Knightgale 1990

Sunshine thru the storms

Your communications/friendship is our window of acceptance in such a fast paced world, in honor of a true friendship, never be "too" busy, to always include them in your is always "sunshine" thru all the storms.....

( A quote from an imprisoned child)



Peaceful Serenity

I long for a place of peace and laughter
is that too much I seek after?
Am so lonely and in despair,
can I find someone who does care?

I weep my tears at nite,
yearning for someone to hold me tight.
Yet in the morning hour,
I still find myself, with life so sour.

I seek love and laughter
a place of peace and serenity
Will there ever been such a place
where I can feel so safe?

My heart is so heavy, I yearn for a true friend,
with so many to talk to,
yet am still alone in the end.

Give me each day, O God, strength to endure,
with your love so pure.

I will soon find my own way
hopefully with a friend
I can finally say,
I have found that peace and serenity,
to last me thru eternity.

Knightgale (c)2002