Saturday, August 2, 2014


In the stillness of early morn, a beautiful crispiness fills the air, the gentle rustling of leaves, squirrels and birds busy with their day's tasks, the silence and serenity, so peaceful in a world of havoc and death. My mind wonders as I witness the beauty of mother earth, if today, we are closer to peace, and the joy of true friendships to cherish. Thru all the struggles and pains in this life, I am so thankful to be part of your world.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Another beautiful day to be ever so thankful, mother earth in all her majesty are scenes to behold and treasure. Am so thankful to be able to spend and share another day with others, hoping their days will be filled with love, peace and promises of a happy life.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


The treasure of having true friends is so rare, but one to be forever cherished. Tho we are so busy in our daily lives, a real friend will always talk with you, visit when they can, caring and sharing with each other, and hold you in their hearts for all times. Those in my life, that have made room for me in theirs, is an awesome, happy feeling in my soul, and very dear always. In some people's lives, a real, true friend, is more than some family. Never ignored, but always a "part" of their lives. I am forever grateful for those few that are part of my world. THANK YOU for your caring and sharing.

Monday, July 7, 2014


Mr. Bill Farkas, a small tribute to this gentleman, tho he is so busy in his world, he still reaches out to help and support, those less fortunate than himself, most especially "children".
I am happy and honored he is my "friend."

My personal "thank you" for caring and sharing a part of YOUR world for "others"


"Your communications/friendship is our window of acceptance in such a fast paced world, in honor of a true friendship, never be "too" busy, to always include them in your is always "sunshine" thru all the storms.....

( A quote from an imprisoned child)

Friday, July 4, 2014


If we only stopped for a moment, think about our lives so far, the many things we have struggled thru, yet, the things we should/must be ever so thankful. We owe our gratitude to those gone before us, and those who still are fighting to protect our freedom. We will always find others, in worse sets of circumstances than ourselves.

 For this, we must be again, FOREVER THANKFUL.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My best friend

My sweet hubby, my love, my soulmate, my best friend. As we get older, we begin to worry, will I see and have him with me tomorrow. He has had a good life, tho we both have been thru many struggles, like most people. He is a good father, is so very good to all of us. He is so kind and gentle, does NOT like controversy at all. I love him dearly and hope we can still be together for a very long time. He is such a special blessing in my life. He literally saved me from the "pits of hell." His love and kindness is what I never knew or experienced. He is the sole reason my heart still beats!! Love, kindness, compassion is always FREE!!


Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dilema of the AGING PROCESS

As we grow older, the more aches and pains of places we never experienced before, and can't understand why we hurt so bad, our energy level seems to decrease with age to the point of feeling so exhausted, yet have not really done any particular exercise or task. I tend to feel bad physically and mentally most of the time. Some days are so difficult and wonder to myself, why am I always up so early each day, I have to get up, because I am in pain so badly. It is a dilema we all face as we get older, leaving us NOT being a happy camper. Am so thankful for yet one more day, but then again it contains the daily pains. I hate going to doctors, for before I leave the office, there will be prescriptions for PILLS. Does one ever realize there is a pill on the market for each and every organ, bone and muscle of our bodies?? I have a "petrified" fear of trying to swallow pills, most especially LARGE pills, fear of getting choked, which I have experienced in the past. Big Pharma will certainly "never" go hungry, making millions of dollars for all of those PILLS.  I question side affects, adverse reactions, contraindications of. Pills are never a cure, it may only mask the real problems of all the aches and pains in life. Some, we just have to live and deal with it, IMO

Friday, May 23, 2014

Flowers for peace

I truly love flowers, it is the only thing that cannot hurt me, and brings me joy and peace

Monday, May 19, 2014


What could you NOT say to me over 5 years ago, that you now wanna say? NOW trying to contact me, for WHAT??

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Seeking Peace for my Soul

I find myself at times, standing at my kitchen window, looking out in deep thoughts, how far I have come in this life, fairly easy compared to the many lonely, horrific nites of my past, and childhood, actually never had a real "childhood", only trying to survive in a "prison setting", tho not behind those real bars, but was liken to a prison world, always so isolated and alone, could not have friends, could not go play with other kids, always work and NO play, that step monster was liken to a gestopo or commandant, always "ordering" us around, like puppets on a string(so to speak). Horrific punishments for the least little "infraction."  Tho many years ago, those horrific memories are always present, beyond my control, and those wounds will never heal, which I am forced to live with until my death. Trusting and believing in anyone does not come easy for me, always questioning one's honesty and integrity. Those few that have allowed me to be a part of their world, I am forever grateful!!!

Peace for my soul is trying to help others have a "better and happy life"