Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Peaceful Serenity

I long for a place of peace and laughter
is that too much I seek after?
Am so lonely and in despair,
can I find someone who does care?

I weep my tears at nite,
yearning for someone to hold me tight.
Yet in the morning hour,
I still find myself, with life so sour.

I seek love and laughter
a place of peace and serenity
Will there ever been such a place
where I can feel so safe?

My heart is so heavy, I yearn for a true friend,
with so many to talk to,
yet am still alone in the end.

Give me each day, O God, strength to endure,
with your love so pure.

I will soon find my own way
hopefully with a friend
I can finally say,
I have found that peace and serenity,
to last me thru eternity.

Knightgale (c)2002

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